Dream Character Chats.
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Official Dream Character Chat Rules.

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1Official Dream Character Chat Rules. Empty Official Dream Character Chat Rules. Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:20 am



-No swearing in chatbox. Swearing in Character Chats is allowed.
-Any sexual content or extreme violence must be in Mature chats only. If your chat was originally not meant to have more mature themes, just ask an admin to move it for you.
-Any users hacking, breaking rules, or acting in an extremely rude way should be reported to admins Bonez and Avery.
-No spamming, racism, or giving out personal information (house address, phone number, etc.)
-If you have chats from the other character chat site, feel free to bring them here as well.
-Please don't ask to be either an Admin or a MOD. We will post an announcement if we want any Admins or MODs.


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