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The First Chat.

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151The First Chat. - Page 7 Empty Re: The First Chat. Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:52 pm




"No, I'm good," I told him. "I ate somewhat recently."

"I'm fine too," Peter said. Naturally, that's when a growl came from his stomach and exposed him as a liar. He scowled. "I'm really not hungry," he continued as though that didn't just happen.

152The First Chat. - Page 7 Empty Re: The First Chat. Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:30 am




"Peter...Don't starve yourself...It's fine. Really." I said, having heard his stomach growl. People not from here tended to eat a lot. This was always wierd to me...But, I figured it was just because they could get more food for less. "Anyone else? And also...Hot or cold?" I wanted to know whether I had to try and get my microwave to work. Stupid thing...

Ana came back downstairs. To eat. "T.Mor..." She asked timidly. "Erm...is there soup?" She asked.

"is everyone else good with soup?" I asked the room.

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